Mahatma Gandhi Speech

Mahatma Gandhi’s “The Salt March” Speech

Review of Mahatma Gandhi’s “The Salt March” Speech


“Non-violence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.”


Mahatma Gandhi’s “Salt March” speech, delivered in 1930, stands as a monumental moment in the Indian struggle for independence from British rule. This speech was not just a call to action but a powerful symbol of non-violent resistance and civil disobedience. Gandhi’s speech catalyzed the famous Salt March, a 240-mile trek to the Arabian Sea, where he intended to produce salt without paying the tax, defying the British Salt Laws.


Gandhi’s rhetoric in this speech was deeply rooted in simplicity and moral clarity. He emphasized the unjust nature of British rule and the salt tax, which he saw as exploitative to the poor. His language was direct yet infused with a profound sense of peace and non-violence, which became the hallmark of his resistance movement. Gandhi’s ability to connect with the masses was evident in his speech, as he used symbols and actions understandable to the common man.


The speech was a masterful blend of practical action and symbolic gesture. Gandhi did not just speak about resistance; he laid out a clear, actionable plan that ordinary people could participate in. This approach made the movement inclusive and gave a sense of empowerment to the common people who were otherwise marginalized.


Gandhi’s speech and the ensuing Salt March had far-reaching impacts. It drew international attention to the Indian independence movement and highlighted the effectiveness of non-violent civil disobedience as a tool for social and political change. The speech was not just about the injustice of a tax but a broader statement against colonialism and oppression.


In essence, Gandhi’s “Salt March” speech was a pivotal moment in Indian history. It was a blend of ethical leadership, strategic planning, and mass mobilization, all of which played a crucial role in India’s journey to independence.



Key Quotations from Gandhi’s “Salt March” Speech


  1. “We want to change the system that oppresses us.”

   – This quote encapsulates the broader goal of the Indian independence movement, highlighting the desire for systemic change.


  1. “Non-violence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.”

   – Here, Gandhi reaffirms his unwavering commitment to non-violence, which was central to his philosophy and approach to resistance.


  1. “The salt tax represents an inhumanity that we must fight against.”

   – This quotation directly addresses the salt tax while symbolizing the broader struggle against the injustices of colonial rule.




Rhetorical Review of Gandhi’s “Salt March” Speech


Analyzing Mahatma Gandhi’s “Salt March” speech reveals a masterful use of rhetorical devices that not only strengthened his message but also galvanized a nation into action. Here are some key rhetorical devices used in the speech:


  1. Ethos (Ethical Appeal): Gandhi’s personal credibility played a significant role in the effectiveness of his speech. Known for his commitment to non-violence and truth, his character lent ethical appeal to his words. By embodying the principles he advocated, Gandhi’s ethos was a powerful tool in persuading his audience.


  1. Pathos (Emotional Appeal): Gandhi effectively used emotional appeal to connect with his audience. His references to the hardships faced by the poor under British rule, especially regarding the salt tax, evoked a sense of injustice and empathy. This emotional connection motivated people to join his cause.


  1. Logos (Logical Appeal): Gandhi’s speech was logically structured, presenting a clear argument against the British Salt Laws. He detailed the unfairness of the tax and its impact on ordinary Indians, using reason and logic to make his case against British policies.


  1. Anaphora (Repetition): The repeated use of certain phrases or structures in Gandhi’s speech helped to emphasize key points and make them more memorable. This repetition reinforced his message and created a rhythmic, persuasive flow in his speech.


  1. Symbolism: The salt tax itself was used as a symbol of the broader oppression and exploitation under British rule. By focusing on this specific issue, Gandhi was able to represent the larger struggle for independence and justice.


  1. Direct Address: Gandhi’s use of direct address engaged his audience, making them feel involved and responsible. This technique helped in mobilizing the masses and making them active participants in the movement.


  1. Imagery: Gandhi’s speech painted vivid pictures of the struggle and the non-violent resistance. This use of imagery made his message more relatable and impactful.


  1. Call to Action: The speech was not just descriptive but also prescriptive. Gandhi provided a clear and actionable plan, which was crucial in mobilizing the masses for the Salt March.


Through these rhetorical devices, Gandhi’s speech transcended mere words, becoming a powerful tool in the Indian struggle for independence. His ability to combine ethical appeal, emotional resonance, logical arguments, and a clear call to action made this speech a cornerstone in the history of non-violent resistance.


I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

“I Have a Dream,” delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, is one of the most iconic and impactful speeches in American history.

The speech, set against the backdrop of the Lincoln Memorial, begins with King’s acknowledgment of the Emancipation Proclamation, which had freed millions of slaves a century earlier. However, he quickly points out that African Americans were still not free from segregation, discrimination, and poverty. King’s speech is a vivid portrayal of the struggles faced by Black Americans and a call for an end to racial injustice.

King employs the metaphor of a “bad check,” saying that America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.” However, he refuses to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. This metaphor underlines the broken promises made to African Americans.

Central to his speech is the famous refrain, “I have a dream,” which he uses to express his vision of a future where people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character. He dreams of a day when his children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by their race. King’s dream extends to different aspects of life, including freedom, justice, and brotherhood.

The speech is also notable for its hopeful tone. King talks about his belief that one day, freedom and equality will be a reality in America. He urges the audience to continue to fight for a just future but to do so with dignity and discipline, avoiding physical violence.

He concludes by looking forward to a day when all Americans can join together as equals, singing the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

Key quotations from the speech include:

  1. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
  2. “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.”
  3. “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low…and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”

These excerpts and the speech as a whole have continued to resonate throughout the decades, symbolizing a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement and the ongoing struggle for racial equality in America.

“I Have a Dream” Rhetorical Review


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a masterful example of various rhetorical devices that enhance its persuasive power and enduring impact. Here are some key rhetorical devices used in the speech:

  1. **Repetition**: King uses repetition for emphasis and to reinforce his message. The most famous example is the repeated phrase “I have a dream,” which helps to create a rhythmic pattern and reinforces the central theme of his vision for America.
  1. **Anaphora**: This is a specific type of repetition where the same phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. King uses this effectively with phrases like “Now is the time” and “I have a dream.” This technique builds momentum and helps to underline important ideas.
  1. **Allusion**: King alludes to numerous historical documents and events, such as the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Emancipation Proclamation, to strengthen his argument by reminding his audience of these foundational promises of freedom and equality.
  1. **Metaphor**: Throughout the speech, King uses metaphors to illustrate complex ideas. For instance, he compares segregation to a “dark and desolate valley” and racial justice to a “sunlit path.” He also uses the metaphor of a “bad check” to describe the unfulfilled promises of freedom and rights for African Americans.
  1. **Pathos**: King appeals to the emotions of his audience, using vivid imagery and expressive language to evoke feelings of injustice and the potential for a better future. This emotional appeal is crucial for inspiring his audience and garnering support for the civil rights movement.
  1. **Ethos**: King establishes his credibility through his status as a minister and a civil rights leader, and by aligning his arguments with widely respected texts and ideals, like the Bible and American democratic principles.
  1. **Imagery**: The speech is rich with vivid imagery, which helps to paint a clear picture in the minds of the listeners. Examples include the “red hills of Georgia” and the imagery associated with the dream segments.
  1. **Parallelism**: King employs parallel structure in his sentences, which adds rhythm and makes his arguments more compelling and easier to follow.

These rhetorical devices are skillfully woven throughout King’s speech, contributing to its powerful impact and its status as one of the most influential speeches in American history.