World Speech Day Policy Document
World Speech Day promotes live public speaking events in over 100 nations. We encourage people everywhere to make speeches and share ideas. We have partner schools across the globe: young people find a voice and shape the world. Across the site you will see videos and photos of WSD events, locally organised, in many different cultures and situations, but all using the simple power of speech to bring change and build world citizenship.
For a simple statement of what we stand for: click here
World Speech Day. The Story: from zero to over 100 nations in 5 year
World Speech Day started with a simple idea: speeches change the world; socially, politically, in the arts, business and religion. They play a profound role in holding our societies together and shaping change. Then why not create a day to celebrate speeches and speechmaking through live public speaking events around the world, reaching out to #unexpectedvouces everywhere?
In 2020 more than 100 nations across the globe have been involved in WSD.
Schools, universities, speakers’ clubs, think tanks, community groups, companies, NGOs – all holding meetings in classrooms, auditoria, community halls, even cafes. Proving the unique power of speeches to explore new ideas.
World Speech Day has taken hold and grown not because of any power at the centre, but because of its highly (almost uniquely) devolved structure. It is the tireless work and energy of the event hosts and national Ambassadors which have taken WSD forward so rapidly.
World Speech Day was launched by Simon Gibson (Founder; pictured) at the Athens Democracy Forum in 2015.

Our mission is to celebrate speeches and speech making through live public events across the globe. We celebrate the role of speeches to bring communities together and, above all, to share ideas. We promote speech making across all levels of society: in schools, colleges and universities, speaking clubs, non-profit organisations and companies. We provide materials to help our participants to get better at public speaking and many of our event hosts conduct speaker training in schools and communities. We promote speeches in more than 100 nations across the globe.
We believe in human progress; but we also believe that progress is never linear. The ideas which will shape tomorrow will come from unexpected voices.
We have seen how young people have used speeches to change opinions and their world: Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg are notable examples. We encourage events that will give others the platform to share their ideas.
World Speech Day is a not for profit organisation.